Tag Archives: terror

A Prayer to End Violence

Whether you’re talking about ISIS, Ferguson or the latest act of terror, people are searching for some type of protection against violence.  While reading a chapter in the Bible last night I stumbled upon an outline for a prayer to end violence.  If you read Psalm 140 one verse at a time, you can claim each promise as you pray.

Rescue me, LORD, from evildoers; protect me from the violent, Psalm 140:1.

Rescue and protect me O Lord.

Who devise evil plans in their hearts and stir up war every day, Psalm 140:2.

Deliver me from evil, temptations and war.

They make their tongues as sharp as a serpent’s; the poison of vipers is on their lips, Psalm 140:3.

Save my family from gossip, rumors and words that can damage their souls.

Keep me safe, LORD, from the hands of the wicked; protect me from the violent, who devise ways to trip my feet, Psalm 140:4,

Shelter me from wicked attempts to do harm; provide a hedge of protection against violent threats.

The arrogant have hidden a snare for me; they have spread out the cords of their net and have set traps for me along my path, Psalm 140:5.

Guide my path in life, exposing any traps that arise along the way.

I say to the LORD, “You are my God.” Hear, LORD, my cry for mercy, Psalm 140:6.

Answer my plea for mercy.

Sovereign LORD, my strong deliverer, you shield my head in the day of battle, Psalm 140:7.

Shield me from the obstacles that stand in your way.

Do not grant the wicked their desires, LORD; do not let their plans succeed, Psalm 140:8.

Let the efforts of the wicked fail.

Those who surround me proudly rear their heads; may the mischief of their lips engulf them, Psalm 140:9.

Foil mischievous plans to do harm against the innocent.

May burning coals fall on them; may they be thrown into the fire, into miry pits, never to rise, Psalm 140:10.

May the accusers be burned by the words that they spew.

May slanderers not be established in the land; may disaster hunt down the violent, Psalm 140:11.

Cut down those who seek to emulate terrorist acts.

I know that the LORD secures justice for the poor and upholds the cause of the needy, Psalm 140:12.

Secure justice for those who are unable to help themselves.

Surely the righteous will praise your name, and the upright will live in your presence, Psalm 140:13.

Expect the righteous to prosper; praise the Lord for what God has done and will continue to do!

When the timing is right, may the words of this Psalm inspire a prayer to end violence.

by Jay Mankus





When Fear is Transformed into Favor

Fright, horror and terror are words synonymous with someone who is afraid.  Whether these emotions stem from witnessing a shocking event, embedded from watching a scary movie or implanted by nightmares from the Devil, rarely is fear associated with something positive.  Nonetheless, a holy fear can transform this word into favor from God.

But even if you suffer for doing what is right, God will reward you for it. So don’t worry or be afraid of their threats. – 1 Peter 3:14

One of the most overlooked messages of Easter is how a bunch of weak men who went into hiding, afraid for their lives were transformed by the Holy Spirit to become martyrs of the faith.  Fear caused Peter to deny knowing Jesus three times in Matthew 26:69-75.  Yet, some how a reverent fear turned Peter from a scaredy cat into a bold apostle who was crucified upside down, feeling unworthy to be killed in the same manner of his Savior.

Blessed are all who fear the LORD, who walk in obedience to him.   You will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours. – Psalm 128:1-2

Despite my years of access to the Bible, opportunities to attend mega-churches in the past and relationships with God fearing believers over the course of my life, I still quake and quiver like a little girl when pressed by the world.  Similar to the apostles, we all need a Pentecost moment, Acts 2:1-4, where fear is discarded by a boldness from God’s mighty counselor, Acts 4:29.  Then and only then will fear transform into favor from God.

by Jay Mankus

Stop It or Drop It

Some where in the distance past, coaches, educators and school officials looked the other way so that elite athletes could bring fame and fortune to their institutions.  Exhibit A is Dexter Manley, former defensive end for the Washington Redskins,  who was never able to read above a 4th grade level, yet teachers covered up this glaring weakness.  On the field, he was a terror in college and in the NFL, yet every time Dexter opened a book, the fear of reading gripped him.

Meanwhile, if you wanted to play basketball at the University of North Carolina, apparently going to class was optional according to Rashad McCants, a member of the 2004-05 national title team.  In their ivory tower in Indianapolis, Indiana, their national headquarters, the NCAA talks a good game, yet corruption, double standards and power has gone to their heads.  Like participants in the Tour de France, its hard to know who is cheating and who is playing by the rules.  If the media would forgo favoritism and begin to address this series issue, using athletes to make colleges millions of dollars annually, perhaps professional sports would not have as many problems as they do today.

Unfortunately, no one can escape the words of Galatians 6:7-8, “you reap what you sow!”  If all students were treated equally, several of today’s star athletes would have never made it past high school.  Nonetheless, like a good soap opera, the media plays along for a while until public pressure forces them to pull the plug, exposing players, teams and leagues for their cover up.  However, its time for the media to do their job early on, to address these scandals quickly .  If not, staying quiet due to powerful and wealthy boosters, cable news might as well drop their complaints since they too are part of the problem.  Stop it or drop it!

by Jay Mankus


The Cure to Nightmares

Gone are the days of the Boogie Man living beneath your bed.  Hollywood has devised more sidious figments of your imagination such as Freddy Kruger, Michael Myers and Hannibal Lecter.  All it takes is a scary movie, darkness and isolation to invite nightmares into your dreams.  This is where fear turns an ordinary evening into a terrifying experience.

When you add fuel to this fire by indulging in graphic images on television, the degree only intensifies.  Although dreams come and go, anyone who opens the door to demonic activity, Ephesians 4:26-27, will need a spiritual remedy to set their mind free from nightly horror.  Thoughts such as,” its just an R-rated movie, what harm could possibly come from this,” will likely dig a hole that can haunt souls for years.

According to the Psalmist, there is a cure for nightmares.  Sleepless nights will come to an end as you begin to dwell in the shelter of God’s wings, Psalm 91:1.  This isn’t a casual relationship, coming and going as you please.  Rather, Psalm 91:2-4 suggests a devout faith, trusting in the Lord, not your own strength to overcome obstacles, snares and trials in life.  As your commitment level breeds spiritual disciplines, God promises to protect you from Satan’s flaming arrows in the day and conscience from fear at night, Psalm 91:5.  Applying these principles lead to sweet dreams once again.

by Jay Mankus

The Real Thing

How many times in life do you seek an emotional high?  One that never ends; giving you a sensation like a drug, 24 hours a day.  Many go through their entire lives searching, but never find the real thing.

Do you recall your first day of school?  As formal education begins, innocence gives way to curiosity and terror.  Fears over finding friends and earning acceptance by your peers takes precedence.  However, the thought of being away from your parents provides a sense of freedom temporarily.  This freedom entices you to try new things, experimenting with fruit, forbidden by parents and teachers.

By the time junior high arrives, eyes start to wander… BABES, STUDS, ALCOHOL and DRUGS!  Perhaps you might not be as distracted as some, yet juicy stories spread fast through the grape vine peeking your interest.  The closer you look, the mind takes on an alter ego, longing for items on the other side of the fence.  Fleshly desires, peer pressure and the unknown leads you to the verge of sin thinking, “Oh baby this sure does feel good.”

A junior high experiment often leads to a senior high life style.  Marijuana, pranks and sex are just a few of the choice behaviors one indulges in to obtain the real thing.  Sure, there are risks, even consequences; but what will my friends think if I go straight?  “Everybody is doing it, why can’t I,” says the follower.  As high school drifts by, the next hurdle to jump is college.  Hobbies you once did for a buzz no longer provide satisfaction.  Call it what you may: a habit, obsession, way of life or obliterating time, something inside can’t let go.  This quest for real life has turned into an addiction.

Have you ever stopped to wonder why you do what you do?  Has it occurred to you that you’ve missed something along the way?  Is there something else out there beside living for the weekend?  I don’t believe you and I were placed on this earth by accident.  Growing up, working for a living 9 to 5, have fun for a while then repeat this cycle over and over again til you die?  This doesn’t make sense!  There must be a greater purpose or meaning in life, but what is it?

Jesus Christ, the son of God the Father is your answer.  God sent His one and only son, Jesus, down to earth, to die for blemishes on earth, John 3:16-17.  Jesus rose from the dead, ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father according to the Apostle’s Creed.  Jesus didn’t just die on a cross and rise from the dead for His own glory, Romans 5:8.  Rather, Jesus became sin for us: for you, me and everyone ever born on planet earth.  Jesus did all of this so that all of us might be seen as righteousness before God, 2 Corinthians 5:21.

This may sound crazy, yet there is no other HIGH greater than entering into a relationship with Jesus Christ, Romans 10:9-10.  Nothing else compares to dedicating your life to God in your living years, John 10:10.  Thus, peace is found in no other place, Galatians 5:22-23.  This isn’t about High’s and Low’s.  This is about life and death, living and dying, Deuteronomy 30:11-16.  The only way to Jesus is through denying yourself, Matthew 16:25.  You may think I’m odd, strange or simply old-fashion, yet God has placed the words of this blog on my heart.

If you have tried most everything else, don’t waste your precious time any longer; embrace the Real Thing, Jesus Christ!

(c) Jay Mankus, 1991.

Revision completed in 2014 by Jay Mankus








State of Hysteria

For the drama kings and queens, worry warts and pessimists, hysteria is a relatively normal state.  This condition of emotional distress often leads to melt downs or what I call tizzy’s, an adult version of a tantrum.  Blowing things out of proportion makes for great reality television, at least from a ratings perspective.  However, have you ever thought about what force or inspiration is ultimately behind hysteria?

According to Exodus 23:27-28, the God of Israel sends a spirit of hysteria into the land of Canaan.  The purpose of this terror is to drive out the Hivites, Canaanites and Hittites out of their land.  Like a stirred up hornet’s nest, God uses supernatural powers to accomplish His will.  Without the numbers, strength or weapons, Jehovah Jireh delivers a promised land an ordinary group of people, unable to take the credit for this miraculous event.

If this happened in the Old Testament, I wonder if God has the desire to allow a similar state in the world today.  Although, modern outbreaks of hysteria are likely from another force, demons using angelic powers.   Some nations experience countless years of civil unrest.  Meanwhile, others countries promote a generation of starving children.  Somewhere in the middle, hysteria roams from city to city, resulting in hate crimes, violence and suicide.

God provides weapons against such spirits in Ephesians 6:10-20.  With all but one defensive, the Word of God is double edged, able to go from defense to offense in one motion.  May these tools help you build an invisible force field of faith around you, saving yourself from caving into the hysteria in this world.  Keep the helmet of salvation tightly secured to guard your mind from suffering from spiritual amnesia, 1 Thessalonians 5:8.  Finally, apply 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 daily as you take each thought captive, making each obedient to Christ.

by Jay Mankus