Tag Archives: the Kraken

Yes…They are Real!

If you want to be honest, modern television is merely a rerun of a rerun from the 1960’s or 70’s with a modern twist.  Despite this fact, the boob tube lures people to their couch or recliners nightly, searching for something new.  To unwind after a long or tough day, entertainment helps individuals ease or forget the pain of life until tomorrow when the same vicious cycle continues.

As for me, I’m a sucker for anything with Big Foot, Loch Ness Monster or unknown species people have had encounter with or seen.  If a show is popular, several others will pop up with different titles, but are nearly identical.  Whether you prefer Monsters in America, Mountain Monsters or Monster Quest, each contain one fatal flaw.  None of them use the Bible as a source of reference to prove monsters are real, created by God.

According to Psalm 74:13-14, evidence was found at the bottom of the Red Sea.  When the Lord allowed Moses to part the sea in half, Leviathan’s became beached, eventually dying for beasts of the desert to feast upon.  Most experts agree that the term Leviathan is what modern Cryptozoologists refer to as the Kraken, a real life sea monster, giant squid.  If some of these creatures survived the flood and ice age, I can go out on a limb and boldly proclaim, “yes… they are real!”

by Jay Mankus