Tag Archives: the Christian church

A Spiritual Flotilla

The term flotilla is Spanish, referring to a fleet of boats or ships.  From a naval perspective, a flotilla consists of a minimum of two squadrons of small warships.   The old adage of “there’s power in numbers” often prevents other nations from attacking a flotilla, intimidated by a demonstration of size and fire power.

From a biblical point of view, a city on a hill is similar to a flotilla, as the light of Christ inside members of the church reveal traces of an Almighty God, Matthew 5:13-15.  When united, this body of believers is like an impenetrable force, able to bring glimpses of heaven to earth, Matthew 6:10.  Regardless of the persecution, setbacks or trials this spiritual flotilla endures, the Holy Spirit’s power turns weakness into strength, 2 Corinthians 12:9-10.

In an ideal world, this flotilla can’t be stopped.  However, division, factions, pride and stubbornness are sinking the churches flotilla.  Theology is one of the major stumbling blocks today, as debate continues over baptism, predestination and spiritual gifts.  Like survivors of the Titanic, fighting for a limited number of life boats, Christians are kicking their fellow brethern overboard, not wanting to lend a helping hand to drowning souls.  Casting Crowns illustrates this truth in their song City on a Hill.  May Jesus’ words in Matthew 5:13 serve as conviction to reunite this broken and dying spiritual flotilla.

by Jay Mankus