Tag Archives: lies gone wild

Lies Gone Wild

To elicit attention from late night consumers of television, Girls Gone Wild took pornography to a new low, seeking drunk college students to bare everything for attention and fame.  A similar movement that received far less attention, author Wendy Shalit founded Girls Gone Mild to instill modesty within young women.  In recent days, a new fad is sweeping the nation, luring men and women to participate in lies gone wild.

Do not treat prophecies with contempt but test them all; hold on to what is good, 1 Thessalonians 5:20-21.

During one of my first years of teaching high school, a few students broke into my room, logged on to my computer and created a fake My Space Account in my name.  Unaware of this site, rumors began to spread which initially tarnished my reputation.  A few years later, a friend developed a couple of mock EduBlogs to show me the type of technology I could incorporate into my curriculum.  Unfortunately, these were never deleted leading to a trip to my principle’s office.  Evidently, this site suggested I was a faith healer who charged $25 per healing.  I can laugh about it now, but when gossip is full blown lies run wild.

Reject every kind of evil, 1 Thessalonians 5:22.

As I listen to hourly news updates, it appears that Democrats and Republicans are daily participating in this venture in one way or another.  Some facts are taken out of context.  Others’ words are distorted to imply a controversial view.  Meanwhile, a few are down right nasty, exaggerating and lying to convince the America people that their side is correct.  Ascertaining what the truth is valuable, but when opinions are being argued, absolutes do not apply.  Thus, before you believe the next thing you hear, read online or see, test everything so that society will put an end to lies gone wild.

by Jay Mankus