Tag Archives: Jewish Judges

The Real Incredible Hulk

I’m not talking about Lou Ferrigno who played the Incredible Hulk for 5 seasons on the television series which aired on CBS from 1978-1982.  Nor am I referring to a Marvel Comic superhero like Spider Man, whose powers came as a result of a freak chemical accident.  Rather, the real incredible hulk was a man born around 1100 BC, over 3100 years ago.

In the annuals of history, records reveals civilizations of Nephilim, descendants of giants, Genesis 6:4.  However, the living hulk came from a traditional family, son of Manoah.  His birth in itself was a miracle, since his mother was sterile according to Judges 13:2-3.  Although an angel of the Lord foretold of Samson’s birth, this hulk received his power by keeping the Nazarene covenant with God: no razor shall touch his hair, no wine shall reach his lips and nothing unclean will touch his hands.

As a result, this incredible hulk tore apart the mouths of lions with his bare hands, Judges 14:5, killed 1,000 Philistines with a donkey’s jawbone, Judges 15:16 and pulled down the 2 pillars to a temple he was tied to, Judges 16:29-30.  Like comic book super heroes, Samson’s Kryptonite was a beautiful woman named Delilah.  Similar to a Hatfield marrying a McCoy, his marriage led to his subsequent death,  When Samson finally gave Delilah what she was after, the secret to his strength, his fate was sealed.

While alive, the incredible hulk did not rely on anger to display his might.  Samson’s supernatural power was bestowed upon him by God, a clear blessing from staying true to his parent’s vows.  Once Delilah cut his hair, Samson was powerless, cut off from God’s Spirit.  In this world filled with temptations, don’t allow compromise to render you useless.  Follow the words of Moses in Deuteronomy 28:1-2 and you will see incredible changes as you serve the Creator who endows all spiritual hulks!

by Jay Mankus