Tag Archives: how to know God

Reinvention or Revolutionary?

K.I.S.S. is one of the first acronyms I was introduced to in high school, referring to the expression Keep It Simple Stupid.  Whether you are talking about a complex matter, difficult course or the meaning of life, individuals must be careful not to over analyze things.  As long you can narrow a topic down to its most basic ideas, the less confused you will be and if yourjob relies on explaining details to others, the clearer your message will become.

Jesus modeled K.I.S.S. by regularly talking to people on their level, using stories that a vast majority of citizens could relate to and understand.  Jesus wasn’t concerned about theology, emphasizing who God the Father is, their relation to one another and how you can enter into a personal relationship with the Creator of life, John 3:16-18.  In regards to discipleship, you don’t need a PhD to grasp how to grow a Bible Study, Church or Home Group.  Go into the world, where light is fading or snuffed out, take the gift or talent implanted within you, 2 Timothy 1:6 and go develop like minded believers just as Jesus invested 3 years of his life in 12 men.

Unfortunately, some where along the way, people have begun relying on self-help material, trying to reinvent the wheel instead of simply keeping in step with the Holy Spirit, Galatians 5:25.  Book after book, theory after theory, video series and the like  claim to be revolutionary, yet are they?  If King Solomon claimed nearly 4,000 years ago there is nothing new under the sun, Ecclesiastes 1:9, why are many gullible people who are persuaded by their sales pitches?  I’m not sure what the answer is, but I do know this: Nike’s motto is noteworthy for those hungry for change, Just do It! – Matthew 28:19-20

by Jay Mankus