S.A.N.S. Episode 220: Sweet Dreams

Today’s song comes from a duo with special voices and a talented pianist. I stumbled upon Andra and Mara while searching for new artists on You Tube. The lyrics of Sweet Dreams aren’t focused on fantasy. Rather, upon experiencing a special dream, Andra and Mara are eager to act upon the message they received. Perhaps. the dream that inspired this song was similar to what happened to Mary and Joseph.

For in a multitude of dreams there is futility and worthlessness, and ruin in a flood of words. But [reverently] fear God [revere and worship Him, knowing that He is], Ecclesiastes 5:7.

King Solomon looked down upon dreamers who spent most of their time thinking rather than acting. Subsequently, if Solomon heard this modern song, he would applaud this like the apostle Paul’s words to a teenage pastor in 2 Timothy 1:6-7. The phrase fan into flame compliments the lyrics “I’ve gotta go now” suggesting the need to take action. May this song speak to your heart.

by Jay Mankus

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